a note on platform
Do you ever find yourself on the precipice of change-making work? You want to contribute, you want to make big sweeping change in your field of work or within a group, but imposter syndrome stops you dead in your tracks. You think, I have a small resume, no one will care about what I have to say, I can’t make change without a big platform! I say, start assembling your construction crew. Find folks who will grab an extra hammer, a few nails, and some power tools and get to work; or, contribute to fortifying the platforms others have already built. Making big change takes place because hundreds of bigger and smaller efforts happened first.
Why wait to grab the power tools?
I’ve had countless conversations with artists, inclusion champions, and mentors about “the power of platform” over the past few months. A handful of my friends are doing seriously powerful work in the field of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Other folks are working to make change in the culture of their specific industry. I also have a handful of brilliant friends who feel like they lack the platform to do this kind of work, they feel that they will not be heard. I understand these feelings, AND I do not think a platform should determine the ability to show up in service for change.
Throw your friends a couple of hard hats, or join an existing crew of builders. Let’s all embrace our inner Ty Pennington and GET TO WORK!